  • Baby
  • Love
  • momlove
  • daughter
  • almostone

Almost one year old!

Wat een rollercoaster

In one month my baby girl will be one year old.

My goodness, my heart explodes with so many emotions. It is hard to believe that a year ago you blessed my life with so much love and joy. The kind of love and joy that is genuine and pure.

There are times were I wish I could freeze moments forever. Yet I know that each passing day with you brings more happiness. This past year will be a year I will forever cherish in heart and memory.

Together we grew. You learned new things each and every day which has been so amazing to watch you play and explore the world around you.

And as you learned, I learned…

You opened your eyes and started to smile. I learned what it meant to fall in love with someone at first sight.

You learned to breastfeed like a champ at first latch. I learned everything about milk quality, supply, nutrition, and pumping.

You started to laugh and giggle uncontrollably. I learned my new favorite sounds in the entire world.

You learned to lift your head and roll over. I learned to celebrate in silence so I didn’t startle you.

You started to sleep through the night. I learned to appreciate the little things like getting a shower and a good night’s sleep.

You learned to sit up on your own. I learned that you were not going to be my baby forever.

You learned to love baths and showering. I learned that it’s ok to get messy and (soaking) wet. Being the perfect mom isn’t about looking perfect. A perfect mom is a present mom.

You learned to eat real food. And while I learned how to prepare baby purees and baby led weaning recipes, I really learned that you were going to do things in your own time. 

I learned that with you, trust is just as important as your nutritional needs. I learned that everything is a phase and my role is to support you in your process.

You learned to play with your toys and be silly. I learned this was my most favorite way to spend my days. Being silly with you brings me pure joy.

You learned to make friends on your own. I learned that being a working mom was not so bad. I learned that daycare was helping you (and me) grow up. I also learned that it takes a village and with all hands on deck to raise a baby.

You had your first holidays. You learned the word, “mama” and “zusje”. I learned to see the world through your eyes and everything was suddenly amazing again.

You learned to wave and say “dada” and to clap your tiny soft hands. I learned that something small really could take up the most room in my heart.

You learned to crawl and almost to pull up to stand. I learned, not to hold my breath in fear of your fall, but to support you in all the wonderful things you could do.

You and your daddy became partners in crime. He taught you to play peek a boo and tickled you until you laughed uncontrollably. And I learned that it was possible to love your daddy even more than I thought I could. I never knew how much I loved your dad until I saw how much he loved you.

This year you learned and grew so much. I learned just what we could achieve together as a family in one simple year! We have so much to celebrate in one month. Maybe not with everyone of the family but just with my tiny little lovely family that i love the most.  

You can always follow my journey on

Isabelle.gds_'s avatar
4 jaar geleden

Zo mooi 😍 echt prachtig geschreven!

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