Application of Laser Pointer: • Star gaze. A laser pointer, especially a green laser pointer is ideal for pointing out celestial objects, and also works for aligning telescopes and for astrophotography. • Tease your cat or dog. A cat (or dog) will chase a dot around the floor for hours on end. This toy will even give your pet a feeling of satisfaction after the "hunt" even though your pet cannot catch the dot. • Use your laser pointer as a presenter. Use it to direct a groups' attention to a specific piece of information and ensure that your message reaches them correctly. • Play laser tag. (This requires specialized, sturdy electronics, and usually requires computing power and unique software for scoring. There are many softwares for you to use even if you have limited programming skills.) • Try laser dancing. Point the laser pointer at a crystal, which will produce countless amazing laser beams for dancing in. This is fun, but be careful. ,