The Wanderlust Mama from Italy
Italian, traveler, wanderlust, curious and promoting everything that is healthy and sustainable. I live and work in The Hague.
The Hague is my home since 5 years now, and the place where my daughter Emma, a beautiful example of crazy, wanderer little monkey (as I am used to call her) is considering home.
I have never thought I would have been a mom, and nothing more far than me is than being so.. But apparently I am doing quite a good job, after being through hell the last couple of years and came out succesfully.
Now I am rebirth, me and her stronger than ever, and with our new life companion, directly from Antilles, we're pretty much ready to rock in town!
Follow me if you want to be updated on news, travelling tips and just enjoy some pictures of us.
NEVER GIVE UP is my motto.
Stay positive, always.