  • Mama
  • moeder
  • Studerendemoeder
  • doorzetter
  • studerendevader
  • studerendeouders

Juggling school, pregnancy,  delivery and a baby.

There was not a time I didnt ask myself "how will I manage school when the baby is born".

This can be a very nervewercking topic which can really get you in limbo with what you are capable of  doing and what you want to achieve.

I always told myself that I will not let that stigma of "dropping out of school because of a kid or not performing well in school because of a kid" get to me.

Even though I had that goaI, I would still battle in my thoughts every night with lots of doubts.

To get those doubts away I seeked advice from my school guidance counselor, mentors, family and friends but they pretty much verified my doubts.

I was told to take a break to focus on my pregnancy and kid.

After the birth of my son turned into a emergency csection , I pretty much had to heal mentally and physically. 

Needing someone to talk to in such a dark moment for motivation but the school guidance counselor would still not support my goal but strengthened all the doubts.

At a given moment I decided to do it on my own and reach for my own goals.

Studying in the nursing field at that time , I had to do alot of internships that were physically heavy for my healing body.

I contacted different teachers and internship coordinators to see if they can be a little understanding. To my suprise everyone was very understanding of the situation and I got internships that were just enough that my healing body could have handled.

After one month of birth I was back in the school benches following classes, and in between breaks I'd pump milk for my son in de "pumping room". If there weren't any breaks in between I'd go later to class or leave earlier and the teachers would be so understanding.

My little one started daycare at the tender age of two months. It took me alot to take this step but i just wanted to hurry finish school so I can  have it all for him.

I will not lie, it all came with LOTS of struggles, guilty feelings and sacrifices but it all paid off.

I'm now a year certified as a Nurse BSc , working and enjoying life with my little two year old.

With God all things are possible.

I would like to encourage all you moms and dads that are studying, struggling to reach your goals.

Dont let anyone bring you down!

If no one believes in you, you believing in you is more than enough. 

Be strong , your child(ren) are proud of you.

Lots of love,


Amari's Mom